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 Subject :NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2011-03-08- 11:55:42 
Joined: 2025-01-14- 17:52:35
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We are having no problem running the Windows XP/Win7 3CX VOIP/PBX application.  We have been running this application over 0.3.2 HSMM-MESH for the past year and just have had no problems.  Because of the 0.3.2 version, we had to tunnel through the HSMM-MESH but it was easy to do and worked perfectly.

I have commissioned an Linux programmer to do an Asterik system for grins and will let you know when I can demonstrate it in the future.

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 Subject :Re:NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2011-04-21- 23:26:33 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
Posts: 31
Location: Dallas GA
Love to see what you come up with. I want to try one soon too. I have the computers I just need the Asterisk box built. Takes time.
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 Subject :Re:NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2011-07-13- 10:27:03 
Joined: 2011-07-13- 14:56:52
Posts: 1
I've got the Asterisk box built. Pretty simple with PBX in a Flash. I can get a set of Grandstream phones to talk over the lan with that setup, but so far not over HSMM-MESH. I can get putty access to the box, and can get to the both the FreePBX ( which is installed by PBX in a Flash ) console and the webmin console. I had to forward some ports to do that, but that was straightforward. Still haven't been able to get the phones to connect and get the tftp provisioning payload from the server over the mesh though. Working on that now.
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 Subject :Re:NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2011-07-14- 08:53:10 
Joined: 2011-07-14- 13:50:32
Posts: 2
Let me know when you get it working. Sounds like you a further along than my source. Bill Wallace KCOTGY (AT) ARRL.NET
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 Subject :Re:NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2011-07-14- 08:55:26 
Joined: 2011-07-14- 13:50:32
Posts: 2

Let me know when you get it working.  It sounds like you are further along than my source.

Bill Wallace  KCOTGY (AT) ARRL.NET

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 Subject :Re:NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2011-08-09- 15:36:57 
Joined: 2025-01-14- 17:52:35
Posts: 0
Do you know if this matters with the type of voip you use... like if its [url=]Residential Voip[/url] or business?
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 Subject :Re:NO PROBLEM WITH VOIP RUNNING UNDER HSMM-MESH.. 2012-08-24- 18:33:15 
Joined: 2012-08-01- 14:17:41
Posts: 1
Would you mind a screen shot of how you have it set up? I'm trying to connect my Node 1 to my Node 2. Not sure how to set up a direct link though. Thanks!
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