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 Subject :Re:Tunneled Mesh in Oregon.. 2018-11-04- 16:21:45 
Joined: 2015-07-23- 20:16:18
Posts: 3
Forum : Oregon
Topic : Tunneled Mesh in Oregon

No - still have not. I am running some Linksys wrt54g routers in a mesh. I have a tunnel server and a tunnel client. I cannot get the client to connect to the server. I am behind a firewall and have done port forwards on the router to the tunnel server. I do not have a static IP here. If you are still around and would like to mentor me some I am very open to help. kevin/NB7O
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 Subject :Re:OLSR not running.. 2018-10-24- 14:58:18 
Joined: 2018-10-21- 00:06:15
Posts: 7
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OLSR not running

Based on I went to Setup then Port forwarding and added an entry to forward port 1978 to localnode and local port 1978. This fixed it for me.
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 Subject :New Node setup - UBNT AirGrid M2 or M5.. 2018-10-24- 04:13:31 
Joined: 2018-10-23- 07:20:49
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : New Node setup - UBNT AirGrid M2 or M5

Hi There,

I recently found out about BBHN and decided to give it a try. I opted out for Ubuquiti hardware just not sure on type. On the suported hardware list it says BBHN supports AirGrid M2(2.4Gh) and M5(5Ghz). Can I use the 5Ghz for the benefit of less signal interference or I have to stick with AirGrid M2 for 2.4Ghz


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 Subject :2.4 ghz -1 and -2 channels.. 2018-10-14- 05:33:38 
Joined: 2014-01-26- 20:13:48
Posts: 9
Forum : General
Topic : 2.4 ghz -1 and -2 channels

  Why doesn't the software provide the configuration for 2.4 ghz -1 and -2 channels? Those are within the amateur radio frequencies  and away from the normal channels 1-11 that are used by the public.

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Last Edited On: 2018-10-16- 05:08:16 By k6dlc for the Reason
 Subject :Netgear AC1700.. 2018-09-06- 11:01:42 
Joined: 2015-10-19- 20:45:38
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Netgear AC1700

Here's an off the wall question for our hardware hackers:  I found a Netgear AC1700 combo wifi modem cable adapter at a yard sale for $1.  Seller told me it was "bricked".  I got it back to my Ham Shack and did a complete power cycle including factory reset.  I used WireShark (Linux) to look for anything coming out of it after I repowered it.  As they say "the lights are on but nobody's home".  SDR and Wifi Sniffer shows good signals on both 2 & 5 gHz bands.  Attempts to access internal firmware via the LAN ports were without results.  I used variety of http and terminal communications attempts to access firmware "web page".  The device has no external access ports other that ones I tried.

Before I open the box, do you have any ideas?  I'm thinking opening it up and doing a remove/replace on internal battery or converting it to a flower planter.  Maybe separating the WiFi board out for Yet Another Project (YAP).

Advice please,




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 Subject :Allstar and Raspberry PBX on a HSMM-MESH.. 2018-09-05- 11:05:13 
Joined: 2018-08-20- 19:46:45
Posts: 1
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Allstar and Raspberry PBX on a HSMM-MESH


I am new to HSMM-MESH.  Just a couple of months ago I find this site and start my journey with it.  Rapidly I searched on Ebay and bought four, yes four WRT54G.  In reality they are 2 WRT54G, 1 WRT54GS and 1 WRT54GL.  The WRT54GS is configured with a Client Tunnel script.  

I am running an Allstar node 46149 on a Raspberry pi in the mesh.  I can access the node from inside the mesh and outside because I have one node connected to the internet.  That node is configured as a gateway to have access on my other nodes.  Also I am running in another node a Raspberry Pi with the software PBX.  I use Zoiper at this moment to connect to it, but I am planning to buy IP phones to connect them in the remote nodes.  

The next thing is to buy IP cameras to finish the project.  I am trying to promote this on my area.  The capabilities of the HSMM-MESH in emergency situation are really good.




Puerto Rico

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Last Edited On: 2018-09-05- 11:07:30 By KP4CA for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Cannot save node name and password change.. 2018-09-02- 08:59:52 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Cannot save node name and password change

So I managed to un-brick myself and finally get bbhn-3.1.0 running. Still no neighbors, but we'll see what I can pickup when I plug the radio into a repurposed satellite dish.

For those interested in the solution, see my post in the UBNT Firmware forum...

Thad - N7ILK

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 Subject :Re:Cannot save node name and password change.. 2018-08-31- 14:15:32 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8

Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Cannot save node name and password change

  • 0

Well, now I'm bricked.

I guess I can be put in the column of another disappointed newbie that's off to find something else to waste my time on.

I can TFTP upload, but I either get "Firmware check failed" or if it will upload, then after resetting goes into a reboot loop.

I have tried reloading bbhn as well as Ubiquiti 5.5.11 and even 5.6.6, but nothing gives.

Oh well...

73's Thad

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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-31- 14:11:01 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

Well, now I'm bricked. I guess I can be put in the column of another disappointed newbie that's off to find something else to waste my time on. I can TFTP upload, but I either get "Firmware check failed" or if it will upload, then after resetting goes into a reboot loop. I have tried reloading bbhn as well as Ubiquiti 5.5.11 and even 5.6.6, but nothing gives. Oh well... 73's Thad
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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-31- 14:10:56 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

Well, now I'm bricked. I guess I can be put in the column of another disappointed newbie that's off to find something else to waste my time on. I can TFTP upload, but I either get "Firmware check failed" or if it will upload, then after resetting goes into a reboot loop. I have tried reloading bbhn as well as Ubiquiti 5.5.11 and even 5.6.6, but nothing gives. Oh well... 73's Thad
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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-31- 01:57:14 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

Thanks for the response. Looks like I've got to warm up my soldering iron. Thad
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 Subject :Re:Looking for a tunnel server.. 2018-08-30- 17:07:57 
Joined: 2016-03-06- 21:59:12
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : Looking for a tunnel server

My node is KC0EQA-NeHub001 E-mail is
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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-30- 16:01:56 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 17:30:15
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

I had a more knowledgeable friend look at it. He was able to do it, but had to open up the case and go in on the serial port. It works fine right now...
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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-30- 16:01:31 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 17:30:15
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

I had a more knowledgeable friend look at it. He was able to do it, but had to open up the case and go in on the serial port. It works fine right now...
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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-30- 16:00:40 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 17:30:15
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

I had a more knowledgeable friend look at it. He was able to do it, but had to open up the case and go in on the serial port. It works fine right now...
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 Subject :Re:NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-08-30- 13:56:38 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

Did you ever have any luck getting setup? I'm in the same boat with an AirGrid M2...
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 Subject :Re:Cannot save node name and password change.. 2018-08-30- 13:53:43 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Cannot save node name and password change

Has anybody had any luck getting this to work. I'm in the same boat. Make changes, save changes and unit reboots then comes back up in unconfigured mode. 

I tried clicking out of the form before saving and no luck there either

Thad - N7ILK

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 Subject :Answered my own question: Can I reload my stock Ubiquiti F/W if I want.. 2018-08-30- 09:33:22 
Joined: 2018-08-24- 14:15:06
Posts: 8
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Answered my own question: Can I reload my stock Ubiquiti F/W if I want after installing bbhn-3.1.0

Subject :Answered my own question: Can I reload my stock Ubiquiti F/W if I want after installing bbhn-3.1.0

I'm just about to start playing with an AirGrid M2 and want to be sure I can reload my Ubiquiti bin file if I need to return the unit to "stock".

I would assume it's going into Setup -> Administration -> Upload Firmware, but want to be sure I'm not about to do anything un-doable.

After a couple of stressful moments (or days really), the answer is "sort of".

My original F/W was AirOS 5.6.6. Aafter flashing bbhn 3.1.0 and finding that I could boot but couldn't save config, I attempted to TFTP recover AirOS and got stuck in the reboot loop.

I then found out I couldn't TFTP restore *anything* and thought for sure I was bricked. I was able to find and download 5.5.11 but that wouldn't load with "Firmware check failed".

I was able to use the serial port "urescue" method and was able to reload my 5.6.6 firmware. From there I downgraded to 5.5.11 then was able to successfully load and configure bbhn 3.1.0.

Moral of the story is that if you're running 5.6.x, downgrade to 5.5.x before you try to load bbhn 3.1.0.

The other lesson I learned is that the serial recovery is not as bad as it seems other that having to open the case.


Thad - N7ILK

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Last Edited On: 2018-09-02- 08:53:04 By n7ilk for the Reason
 Subject :Re:ETA of XW Platform firmware for NS M5.. 2018-08-29- 13:04:16 
Joined: 2018-08-27- 17:30:10
Posts: 2
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : ETA of XW Platform firmware for NS M5

Thanks W6BI, found it, flashed it and it even works! 

I really appreciate it. 


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 Subject :Re:Looking for a tunnel server.. 2018-08-28- 17:15:42 
Joined: 2014-02-09- 17:12:43
Posts: 8
Location: Simi Valley, California
Forum : General
Topic : Looking for a tunnel server

I can provide a tunnel if you're OK tunneling into a server in Southern California.

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Last Edited On: 2018-08-28- 17:19:30 By W6BI for the Reason
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