Broadband-Hamnet™ Forum
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 Subject :Re:Hamshack Hotline.. 2018-05-31- 18:17:47 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Hamshack Hotline

Interesting. Lacks details though. Any Asterisk/Allstar/App_rpt tie ins? If you are looking for hams with data center connections you might want to check with the 44net/ community. They just set up a bunch of echolink relays at a few different data centers.
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 Subject :Re:Cannot save node name and password change.. 2018-05-30- 16:15:11 
Joined: 2017-12-24- 21:57:45
Posts: 1
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Cannot save node name and password change

I tried the solution suggested and got nowhere.

Ubiquity M2

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Last Edited On: 2018-05-30- 16:35:39 By WB0GAG for the Reason
 Subject :Tunnel.. 2018-05-13- 23:45:36 
Joined: 2016-08-28- 11:26:52
Posts: 2
Forum : UK
Topic : Tunnel

Seeking someone to connect to with a tunnel. Linksys 54GS waiting and loaded! South East England, by the coast (JO00LX)

OOPs , just got another one, unexpected success on Ebay...



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 Subject :Did I just brick my Router?.. 2018-05-12- 16:26:02 
Joined: 2018-03-08- 11:45:05
Posts: 1
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Did I just brick my Router?

Ok I just picked 5 of these wrt54G routers up at NEAR-FEST last week 5 for 30 dollars.

I'm trying to upload firmware to a G V3 finally after much tail chasing Got the firmware up to the router. It now says Mesh node i beleave and it is now a 172 device as seen under properties.

     I couldn't get back into the page to change to my call sign or anything else to be changed after about an hour of fooling around... I gave up and shut the computer down, and powered down the router.I Hope i didn't brick it? any one with any advice for me who is someone who knows almost nothing about computers except how to turn them on and get connected to wifi.Also I used wireless rather than a cable to get the firmware to the wrt54G v.3.Jim

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 Subject :source repository.. 2018-05-10- 12:09:00 
Joined: 2018-05-09- 20:32:58
Posts: 1
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : source repository says the source is available from svn:// but that site is down.  Is there a current repository?

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 Subject :aredn downgrade to bbhn connectivity.. 2018-05-01- 03:54:27 
Joined: 2014-04-10- 17:31:04
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : aredn downgrade to bbhn connectivity

i had AREDN on my M2 an downgraded to BBHN due to incompatibility with my linksys routers.

the M2 is on a 100 ft tower and only access is thru ethernet or wireless.

the node came up with "meshnode" as its SSID

upon connection to the ethernet or wireless i get an address of and a scan of ip's sees as the mesh nodes address, i think this is due to it was in NAT mode with the previous AREDN software and I did an upgrade to BBHN.

I cannot get the web interface to come up using or localnode.local.mesh:8080  it always says cant connect and I am thinkig the firewall for which NAT us done will not let me in backwards.

anyone have any idea how i can get in to reset it or reconfigure it?

i didnt expect it to do this when i upgraded, normally itwould give me a 10.x.x.x address and i can get in easily.

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 Subject :aredn downgrade to bbhn connectivity.. 2018-05-01- 03:53:00 
Joined: 2014-04-10- 17:31:04
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : aredn downgrade to bbhn connectivity

i had AREDN on my M2 an downgraded to BBHN due to incompatibility with my linksys routers.

the M2 is on a 100 ft tower and only access is thru ethernet or wireless.

the node came up with "meshnode" as its SSID

upon connection to the ethernet or wireless i get an address of and a scan of ip's sees as the mesh nodes address, i think this is due to it was in NAT mode with the previous AREDN software and I did an upgrade to BBHN.

I cannot get the web interface to come up using or localnode.local.mesh:8080  it always says cant connect and I am thinkig the firewall for which NAT us done will not let me in backwards.

anyone have any idea how i can get in to reset it or reconfigure it?

i didnt expect it to do this when i upgraded, normally itwould give me a 10.x.x.x address and i can get in easily.

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 Subject :Re:EOL.. 2018-04-30- 06:49:44 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Linksys End Of Life
Topic : EOL

Linksys gear remains supported. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Seeking advice on a high gain antenna for WRT54GL / Target is 8km a.. 2018-04-30- 06:40:10 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Seeking advice on a high gain antenna for WRT54GL / Target is 8km away.

Subject :Re:Seeking advice on a high gain antenna for WRT54GL / Target is 8km away.

Check with path planning software first. Antenna will not fix a bad path. A 24 dB grill dish antennas works reliably for me for over 10 miles.
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 Subject :Re:Seeking advice on a high gain antenna for WRT54GL / Target is 8km a.. 2018-04-30- 06:39:53 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Seeking advice on a high gain antenna for WRT54GL / Target is 8km away.

Subject :Re:Seeking advice on a high gain antenna for WRT54GL / Target is 8km away.

Check with path planning software first. Antenna will not fix a bad path. A 24 dB grill dish antennas works reliably for me for over 10 miles.
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 Subject :Hello everybody from the Philippines... 2018-04-28- 02:43:28 
Joined: 2018-04-27- 19:48:43
Posts: 1
Forum : General
Topic : Hello everybody from the Philippines.

I am new to this HSMM-Mesh thing and luckily, I still have a few of these WRT54GS V1, V2 that I used in the school.  I have downloaded the firmware for these model and so far it's working.  I think what i need to ask is if I have an internet hooked up to one of these nodes, can I join other nodes, let's say in the US or other places via the internet?  So far I think I am alone to have a hsmm-mesh here.

Also, how can this be used during emergency?

Thanks in advance.



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 Subject :WRT320N.. 2018-04-20- 04:13:29 
Joined: 2018-04-18- 06:13:04
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT320N

I'm new to BBHN and am interested in building a network where I live in West Virginia.  Right now, I have 1 node setup and running at my house.  I, like I'm sure many of you do, have several wireless routers to play with at my house.  One of which supports and is running OpenWRT.  It is a Linksys wrt320n.  It would be nice if I could add this to my network giving it 2 nodes.  I know it isn't supported yet, but it was mentioned in the under development section to post what I have in the forums.  So, I am.  I'm more than happy to load any beta versions of BBHN on it to see if I can get it to run.  Or, if someone smarter than I am about this knows if I could load another image on it,  I would be happy to do it an help this project out where I can.




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 Subject :NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-04-17- 16:29:42 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 17:30:15
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

I just got ahold of a used NanoBridge M2 and installed the firmware. I cannot get past the setup. When I attempt to save the setup, it responds "error saving setup."

If I intentionally make an error - such as failing to enter a password - it responds with a message that indicates I must enter a password. The generic message is not helpful. Has anybody encountered this before?

I also noted that the device does not have the expected IP address but instead has maintained the default UBIQUITI address.

Should I attempt to re-install the firmware?

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 Subject :NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-04-17- 16:29:31 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 17:30:15
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

I just got ahold of a used NanoBridge M2 and installed the firmware. I cannot get past the setup. When I attempt to save the setup, it responds "error saving setup."

If I intentionally make an error - such as failing to enter a password - it responds with a message that indicates I must enter a password. The generic message is not helpful. Has anybody encountered this before?

I also noted that the device does not have the expected IP address but instead has maintained the default UBIQUITI address.

Should I attempt to re-install the firmware?

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 Subject :NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup.. 2018-04-17- 16:29:19 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 17:30:15
Posts: 17
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : NanoBridge M2 Cannot save Setup

I just got ahold of a used NanoBridge M2 and installed the firmware. I cannot get past the setup. When I attempt to save the setup, it responds "error saving setup."

If I intentionally make an error - such as failing to enter a password - it responds with a message that indicates I must enter a password. The generic message is not helpful. Has anybody encountered this before?

I also noted that the device does not have the expected IP address but instead has maintained the default UBIQUITI address.

Should I attempt to re-install the firmware?

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 Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to chang.. 2018-04-04- 14:10:05 
Joined: 2018-03-29- 13:45:42
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings

Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings


so in the center section on the set up page i selected the mesh gateway in the drop down menu. clicked save and reboot and now i can find the node to log back in and make changes

iv'e Tierd localnode:808, and.2 and.3 ive tried to find the gateway ip but there is none. how do i find the node in the browser to log back into it  

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 Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to chang.. 2018-04-04- 14:09:37 
Joined: 2018-03-29- 13:45:42
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings

Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings


so in the center section on the set up page i selected the mesh gateway in the drop down menu. clicked save and reboot and now i can find the node to log back in and make changes

iv'e Tierd localnode:808, and.2 and.3 ive tried to find the gateway ip but there is none. how do i find the node in the browser to log back into it  

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 Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to chang.. 2018-04-04- 14:09:37 
Joined: 2018-03-29- 13:45:42
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings

Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings


so in the center section on the set up page i selected the mesh gateway in the drop down menu. clicked save and reboot and now i can find the node to log back in and make changes

iv'e Tierd localnode:808, and.2 and.3 ive tried to find the gateway ip but there is none. how do i find the node in the browser to log back into it  

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 Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to chang.. 2018-04-04- 14:09:37 
Joined: 2018-03-29- 13:45:42
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings

Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings


so in the center section on the set up page i selected the mesh gateway in the drop down menu. clicked save and reboot and now i can find the node to log back in and make changes

iv'e Tierd localnode:808, and.2 and.3 ive tried to find the gateway ip but there is none. how do i find the node in the browser to log back into it  

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 Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to chang.. 2018-04-04- 14:09:23 
Joined: 2018-03-29- 13:45:42
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings

Subject :Turned Node into Mesh Gateway in Drop down now i cant find it to change settings


so in the center section on the set up page i selected the mesh gateway in the drop down menu. clicked save and reboot and now i can find the node to log back in and make changes

iv'e Tierd localnode:808, and.2 and.3 ive tried to find the gateway ip but there is none. how do i find the node in the browser to log back into it  

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